Thursday, March 3, 2011


"The act or power of calmly or contentedly waiting for something due or hoped for; forbearance." The Websters 1828 Dictionary

I don't know about the rest of you but I struggle with patience.  Unfortunately to the flesh, this seems to be what the Lord likes to work on the most in me.  Have you ever noticed how often in the Psalms and Proverbs the Lord says "wait"?  Waiting is an important part of the Christian life.  It's always bad when we humans take things into our own hands or take a step before we get clear direction from the Lord.  The way I see our walk of life is a narrow road with deep ditches on either side and Jesus in front.  Sometimes it's going to get foggy, dark, and cold but we just have to make sure we're keeping a firm grip on Jesus.  He knows the BEST way and we have to have faith in that....even if what's happening doesn't make sense.  This is what we're learning in our study of Job on Wednesday nights.

Okay, I've strayed a little bit from my point.  In the past 2 years or so the Lord has caused little things to happen which have tested my patience and revealed how greatly I need this attribute.  My personality is one of "go get it done FAST no matter what".  The Lord has showed me how very important patience is, especially regarding my relationship with Him.  One time when I was really struggling with being patient in something, my wise mama pointed out that the Lord may be preparing me for something even bigger that I'll need to be patient in in the future!  Talk about a major paradigm shift!  Currently my patience is being tested in several ways.  I'm waiting for my license, direction of where to go next in my life, where the Lord wants me to serve, etc.  Trust me, several times I've lost my patience but my Master's so good to get my focus back on Him and off of myself.  So will you join me in waiting and learning at the Master's feet about this important virtue?  Who knows, maybe the Lord will use our example of waiting and patience to bring someone to Himself!

Learning to delight in Jesus,

1 comment:

  1. I agree, Hannah. My personality also likes to get things done quickly, so it is hard to work with either of my siblings (who use "slowly but surely" as an excuse!!)!! I am very glad you started this blog, I very much enjoy reading it!
