For Christmas my mom and dad blessed me with the book "The Complete Book of Essential Oils & Aromatherapy" as well as $25 to buy my first essential oils. I've enjoyed learning about this new way to health and healing very much and wanted to share some of the things I've learned with you all. The biggest thing I've learned is that a little bit of essential oil goes a long way! Essentials oils are also most effective through topical application or smelling, not by taking it internally. So, here we go :).
Peppermint EO:
Daily Use: Peppermint is a cooling oils which is great to spray (diluted) around your house during the summer time, not to mention it smells amazing!
Around the House: Peppermint is a good natural method to get rid of ants and other obnoxious pests (like mice). Simply place a couple of drops along your counter and you'll find them disappear overnight (they hate the smell).
For Your Health: Peppermint EO is proven very effective is turning a posterior baby. Simply add a couple of drops to 1 tablespoon of olive oil (or some other base oil) and apply it to the lower back. I've also heard that it can be used to turn breech babies but I've never actually tested it.
Lavendar EO:
Daily Use: Lavender EO smells sweet and is anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and a natural antidepressant, antiseptic, and antibiotic. That's a pretty long list! It's very soothing and relaxing. Simply place a couple of drops in a bath after a hard days work or if a little one is not feeling well (or having trouble sleeping).
Around the House: This EO can be placed directly on burns which will aid in the healing process, protect it from infection, and prevent blistering or scarring.
For Your Health: Lavender essential oil is a great oil to add to some base and rub all over your body after a shower. It is also very effective through steam inhalation (either through a vaporizer or diffuser).
Thyme EO and Rosemary EO:
Both of these oils are great to use when your sick but they must be used with great care. Thyme is not recommended for young children and Rosemary should be used sparingly. They are both very effective is helping to fight the cold, flu, and coughs. Soak in a bath with these oils (only 4 drops per bath), rub all over after a shower with them (make sure they're in a base oil), or diffuse throughout the sick room.
Sinuse Rub:
I looked up "sinus relief with essential oils" on the internet and I found this blend. It works very well (I rubbed some on Lydia, my 5 year old sister, when she had a sinus infection and it cleared up in record time... about 24 hours later!) and feels and smells wonderful. Let me know how you like it!
1 t. olive oil
1 drop Lemon EO
2 drops Eucalyptus EO
3 drops Rosemary EO
2 drops Peppermint EO
I hope to be able to post some more updates on what I'm learning about essential oils as I study them more.
Have a blessed rest of the week!
Learning to delight in Jesus,