Sunday, October 14, 2012

A Shadow

I have a shadow.  Actually I have many shadows but I'm only focusing on one today. :)
I know we all have one if we stand just right in the sun but my shadow is real.  It is living and posseses a spirit which must be raised in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.  My shadow has not yet reached the full potential God has prepared for him but is currently learning from me!  Whoa, that's scary!!  What I say and how I act is what he will think is okay to say and to act, for but a little while.  I can only take my little shadow as close to God as I am.  One day this shadow will grow too big to stay under me and will start following God's ways not mine and then he too will have a shadow (or shadows).  Until then I have a responsibility to my shadow.  Am I being influencial to my shadow for good or evil?  Is he developing a relationship with God even at this age or do I insist he's too young to really understand?

 My shadow is my blonde-haired, blue-eyed little brother and it's quite an assignment!

Do you have a shadow?
Learning to delight in Jesus,


  1. Great reminder of the shadows in my life. Many in many different shapes and sizes!

  2. That's convicting in a good way, Hannah!
