Who Am I?

Hello!  My name is Hannah and I am the eldest daughter to 2 awesome parents and the oldest sister to 9 wonderful siblings.  We live on 10 acres of beautiful property in eastern Virginia.

We are blessed to have a small farm with chickens, turkeys, 1 dairy cow, and a garden full of fresh produce in the spring and summer!

My daddy has his own lawn care business, Cross Cuts, Ltd., and  works hard all year to provide for our growing family.  My amazing mamma stays busy homeschooling, cooking, cleaning, gardening, jogging, and having babies :)!

Since I graduated from Solid Rock Ranch Homeschool in 2012, I've been working as a Personal Attendant for two little girls- Grace and Abigail.  They are a joy and have taught me so much!  I also teach piano and volunteer at the local Pregnancy Resource Center as a client advocate.  The Lord continues to teach me new things in all of these areas of life.

What I Enjoy:
I enjoy cooking, playing the piano (and teaching it), singing with my family and at church, reading informative books (or books about missionaries or persecuted Christians), spending a week at the beach with my mom's 5 siblings and their children (a total of about 30 people!), waking up with the sun (I'm an early bird!), watching movies with my family (while eating our fresh popped pop-corn), holding babies, helping pregnant moms, doing dad's billing for his business, eating dark chocolate, studying God's Word, and so much more!

What I Want to Be: 
My ultimate desire is to be like my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!  While I know I'll never be perfect on this earth I do desire to please, honor, and glorify him with this life He's given me.  During my single years I had the freedom to serve my Lord in many different areas...and that was a real blessing. 4 years later...
It's been 4 years now since I started this blog and life has changed drastically.  I was called into a new avenue of service in the spring of 2014; that of being a helpmeet and wife to my husband, Dylan.  Not too long after settling into our new home in the Midwest we found out I was expecting a baby!!!  In January 2015 we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl, Adelyn Grace.  We pray our lives can be a testimony to our Savior and a witness to others as we serve each other as husband and wife and raise up the next generation in the nurture and admonition of the Lord!

Not too long after Adelyn, Gideon Stephen joined our family in October 2016!  The Lord is good!

To find out more about me and my family please check out my family's blog:
The Wassenberg Family

May you be blessed as you read!
Learning to delight in Jesus,