Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Book Review: William Borden

Hello All,

I've decided to every now and again post a book review.  These reviews will contain what I've learned from the book, things I disagree with, and things I need to work on.  So first things first.... 

About a month ago I finished reading the book to the left "Borden of Yale" by Mrs. Howard Taylor.  I LOVE to read, especially a book about young evangelists/missionaries and this book hit the spot!!  I've read most of the books on our shelves several times when one day I spotted this one and realized I hadn't read it yet.  I immediately began reading and could hardly put it down (not unusual for me :).  William Borden was born into a well to do family in Chicago on November 1st, 1887.  Although raised wealthy he was also raised by a father and mother who not only went to church but had a real relationship with Jesus Christ.  As he grew older his parents religion became his.  He never closed a day without reading the Bible and praying, no matter how tired he was!  After high school, at the age of 16, his parents proposed a trip around the world for an entire year with a godly family friend before starting collage.  This trip would open the eyes of William to the need of Jesus so many people have, sometimes entire nations.  In one of his letters to home he stated that he felt the Lord calling him to the mission field.  When he arrived back in America, his calling to the mission field and relationship with Jesus had only strengthened during the previous year.  He had felt the Lord require complete surrender of him while in England and to quote the author's words, "Surrender in his case meant not only giving up worldly amusements and indulgences, it meant taking on his Master's yoke, living with Him for others, always and everywhere."  Wow, did that convict and give me a yearning to be in COMPLETE surrender to Jesus and His will for my life!  To continue with my biography, William, soon after arriving back in the US, began attending Yale CollegeWhile at Yale he began attending the local YMCA and started a Bible/Prayer study group of his own with other college students.  Near the end of his freshman year he attended his first missionary conference.   He heard the appeal of Mr. Samuel Zwemer of the need for the gospel in the Muslim world, specifically China.  At that time China had more Muslims than all of Persia, more than all of Egypt, and more than all of Arabia - where Islam started.  Seeing the overwhelming need, William heard God say "Yes" and immediately his heart was given over to the Lord and what He wanted to do.  After finishing Yale he attended Princeton Seminary then headed to Egypt to study  two of the hardest languages, Arabic and Chinese, in preparation for his calling to the Chinese Muslims.  Also while in Egypt he began evangelizing and preaching to the Muslims there, in practice for China.  Sadly, while in Egypt he contracted cerebral meningitis and died before ever reaching his final destination...China.  I cried at the end of this book.  He simply wanted what the Lord desired for him.  He was wealthy, donating several thousands of dollars to various missions in his will, but was willing to give it all up to preach the gospel to those dying every day without the knowledge of Jesus.  What about me?  Would I be willing to give up ALL to preach the gospel?  Am I living the true Christian life now, as a young teenager?  The Lord does not put an age on when He can use us, He's simply looking for those willing to be used.  Are you willing? Am I?

Learning to delight in Jesus,

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