Wednesday, May 22, 2013


 jesus in heaven - jesus Photo

What is like when we first get to heaven?  I mean I know that I will see the streets of gold and the crystal sea, the angels and saints of old; but will there be a greeting line to say "hello" to Jesus or will I be able to finally run into His arms and hear those coveted words (well done, good and faithful servant)?  Will I remember what happened here on earth or will the memory be lost when surrounded by such grandeur?

Perhaps unlike most people, death does not scare me.  I know that I'm but a pilgrim on this earth and I'm simply passing through on my way to the home prepared for me by my Savior (John 14:3).  This body really is just a shell used to hold the spirit and soul of someone.  Once someone goes home we wonder why we spend so much wasted time taking care of this, our outward appearance, which is quickly fading away.  Now please, don't think I'm saying you shouldn't take care of this body.  Our body is the temple of God (1 Corinthians 3:16-17) and as such we should try to keep it in the best shape possible so as to be of use to our King for as long as we can.  But if the time we spend taking care of this body is longer then the time we devote to checking the inside (by Scripture reading, church, and prayer) we should check our hearts.

Friends, don't let the business of life trick you into thinking this is all there is (I know from personal experience how hard this is).  Eternity is at stake here!  Those of us who are Christians long for the day when we'll be called home to see Jesus face to face.  Every day brings us closer to that moment.  But although we may have friends and relatives up there awaiting our arrival, we are still here for a reason.  God is not done with us yet.  We must stay focused on the mission so that we can "finish our race with joy, and the ministry we have received from the Lord" Acts 20:24.

Those of you who do not yet know the Savior and have a personal relationship with Him, we are praying for you.  God created you for a purpose and He wants to have a relationship with you if only you would open your heart to Him.  This life is not all there is.  Are you prepared for the next?

Those are some of the thoughts floating around in my head this week!
Learning to delight in Jesus,
Hannah :)

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